What is MCMLA?
Midcontinental Chapter of the Medical Library Association (MCMLA) is a chapter of the Medical Library Association (MLA), a professional organization of individuals and institutions in the health sciences library field. MCMLA provides an opportunity for discussion of regional and local interests and for continuing education in health sciences librarianship. The chapter includes the states of Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming. MCMLA operates with bylaws, elected officers, and committees. Representatives from MCMLA also serve on various MLA committees and councils.
Who is eligible for membership?
Membership is open to any individual working in or interested in hospital or health sciences librarianship -- including persons in mental health, pharmaceutical, dental, and veterinary libraries; medical records departments; and health-related industry.
Membership Categories
Regular members are actively engaged in or interested in professional library or bibliographic work, or a health or information sciences profession;
Student memberships: granted to students enrolled in graduate level training in the field of library and information science. Student membership may be granted for no more than (2) two consecutive years;
Emeritus memberships: members shall have been a Regular MCMLA member for a minimum of 3 years, shall have requested Emeritus membership, and shall have retired from active professional work.