Session time reminders:
- Join your session 2-3 minutes early.
- Be ready to go at your designated time.
- Close all the background items and alerts on your screen.
- Put your presentation into "presentation" mode.
- When you are called, share your screen (preferred to the whole file).
- All questions will be held until the end of the session.
- You will see automatic transcription running at the bottom of your screen when you are viewing as an attendee. When you present, you do not need to change any settings for showing the transcription text.
Zoom Tips for the Presenter
Equipment Set Up
- Put on a headset and microphone if you have them, to reduce background noise.
- Test your audio and video.
- Close unnecessary tabs in your browser and turn off notifications such as e-mail or messaging.
Tips for the Presenter/Host
- Make sure the lighting in your room comes from the side or in front of you.
- Your background should be simple without distractions.
- Have your computer camera as level and close to your face as possible.
- Look directly at the camera so the participants feel the conversation is aimed at them.
- Introduce yourself or have the moderator do this.
- Describe what is on your screen with descriptive directions (e.g. "notice this") and indicate the location on the screen to better focus the audience.
- Using Chat in Zoom meetings.
- For the Chat, it is preferable to have a Chat monitor appointed before the session.
- You can choose to mute the audience's microphones and also unmute them at any point during your presentation.
- Presenter/Host Window

- By clicking on Manage Participants in the window above the presenter/host can choose to mute or unmute the attendees
- By clicking on Participants in the window above the presenter/host can choose to mute or unmute the attendees, view chat, activate Share Screen, have participants take part in a pool, record the session, turn on Closed Captioning/Live Transcript, and setup Breakout Rooms.
- To activate the Closed Captioning/Live Transcript, click on the CC icon.
- More on using Closed Captioning.
- Remember to begin recording the session by clicking the icon at the bottom of the presenter/host the Zoom window.