Virtual Conference: The Express wants your photos!

08 Oct 2015 11:04 AM | Amanda Sprochi

Hey MCMLAers!

For all those attending the virtual conference: usually as the Express editor I take pictures at the conference to include in our November “Meeting Roundup” issue. This year, because we are virtual, I can’t do that. So I have a favor to ask. If you are attending the conference in either a group or on your lonesome, please take photos of yourself or your colleagues “attending” the conference and send them to me. We’ll pick some good ones to include in our issue. Also, we would love to have articles summing up the presentations, or talking about the virtual conference itself and what you thought, so please consider writing something as well. Remember, you get AHIP points!

Hashtags for the meeting are #MCMLA2015 and #VirtualMeeting.

See you all later today, and thanks!


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