Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 25 Sep 2015 12:32 PM | Committee Chairs

    Time is growing short to register for the FIRST EVER VIRTUAL MCMLA CONFERENCE


    Don't miss out!  In just 5 short days (yes they are getting shorter - it's fall!), registration will close forever and if you aren't registered, it won't matter where you are, you won't be there.


    Please don't be left out in the cold!  Register now as an individual or as part of a group.  Information on the meeting can be found on our website:


    Help make this meeting a success!  Other chapters are watching us to see if they want to try the same thing!  Please register!


    I hope to "see" you there!

  • 23 Sep 2015 5:10 PM | Deleted user

    (Information courtesy of Robert Johnson, Norris Medical Library, University of Southern California.)

    David A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship

    Do you have a project in mind that will take you on the road?
    Consider applying for MLA’s David  A. Kronick Traveling Fellowship!

    Established in 2002, this grant awards one $2,000 fellowship each year to cover the expenses involved in traveling to three or more medical libraries in the United States or Canada, for the purpose of studying a specific aspect of health information management.  Activities that are operational in nature or have only local usefulness will be considered.  The award winner is required to submit a report to MLA on the results of the project, that may be published in appropriate health information journals.


    * The applicant must hold a graduate degree in library science.

    * The applicant must be a practicing health sciences librarian with at least five years of professional experience.

    * The applicant must be an individual member of the Medical Library Association.

    * The applicant must be a citizen of or have permanent residence status in either the United States or Canada.

    * Consideration will be given in exceptional cases to an outstanding candidate not meeting the criteria above.

    The completed application form must be received at MLA headquarters by December 1, 2015.

    Learn more about the application process on MLANET.ORG at

    If you have any questions, please contact Susan Arnold, Jury Chair, at

  • 23 Sep 2015 4:09 PM | Deleted user

    (Courtesy of Wayne Peay, Char, Janet Doe Lectureship Jury.)

    Call for Nominations for the 2017 Janet Doe Lectureship.

    The Janet Doe Lectureship is a unique award, offering both significant recognition and the opportunity to present a major plenary session lecture at the annual meeting of the Medical Library Association.  “The Janet Doe Lecturer is an individual chosen annually by the Medical Library Association for his or her unique perspective on the history or philosophy of medical librarianship.”

    Nominations are due to the MLA Headquarters November 1, 2015.  Nominations should be submitted by members of the association.  Self-nominations are accepted.  General information, criteria and the nomination form are attached (see link below).

    For more information, please contact the Jury Chair, Wayne Peay –

    Janet Doe Lectureship Jury:

       Debra Berlanstein – Tufts University

       Virgina Carden – Duke University

       Denise Hersey – Yale University

       Maureen Knapp – Tulane University

       Wayne Peay – University of Utah

       Linda Walton – University of Iowa

       Maria Lopez - MLA

    (Click the link to access the Janet Doe Nomination Information sheet.)

  • 23 Sep 2015 4:00 PM | Deleted user

    (Courtesy of Jerry Perry, by way of Melissa Desantis.)


    The Medical Library Association’s greatest assets are the collective wisdom of its members and the support received from friends and affiliates.  Some of our colleagues have made sustained and outstanding contributions to the profession and are deserving of recognition as Fellows of MLA.  Individuals who are not members but who have similarly contributed in a significant way to advancing the missions of the Association and profession may also be recognized as Honorary Members.  Please consider nominating a colleague for Fellow or a non-member for Honorary Member status.  Peer recognition builds a stronger community!

    Nominations are due to MLA November 1, 2015.  Please visit MLANET at for details and to access the nomination application form.  Please email Jerry Perry, MLS, AHIP, Jury Chair, at <> for additional information or questions.

    Best wishes, friends!


  • 23 Sep 2015 3:51 PM | Deleted user

    (Courtesy of Betsy Mueth.)

    The deadline is fast approaching for registration for the first ever MCMLA virtual meeting!  Don't miss out!  History will be made!  Register solo or as part of a group for that collegial feeling.  (Yes, collegial is a word!  I looked it up in my Thesaurus - I'm a librarian, after all!)  Register by midnight CDT on September 30 to become a part of history.  (My grandchildren think I am already a part of history, and that may be true, but this is going to be special!)  Hope to "see" everyone there!

  • 23 Sep 2015 3:04 PM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Eve Melton, Regional Director of Library Services, Kaiser Permanente Northern California, regarding the Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Meeting Grant.)

    The Ysabel Bertolucci MLA Annual Meeting Grant recognizes Ysabel Bertolucci’s exemplary career as a members of the Medical Library Association and her many contributions to its Sections, Chapters and Board.  Endowed in 2014, the Bertolucci Grant recognizes a health sciences librarian who is involved in nursing, allied health, consumer health or international librarianship.  The recipient receives a certificate at the Association’s annual meeting and a stipend of up to $1000 to be used for travel and conference-related expenses for attending the Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. For further information on criteria for eligibility and submission, please see  The deadline for application is Dec 1, 2015.

  • 15 Sep 2015 11:58 AM | Heather Brown (Administrator)

    The final program for the MCMLA 2015 annual (virtual!) meeting is now available. See who is going to speak and when so that you can plan your day.

  • 10 Sep 2015 2:43 PM | Committee Chairs

    Don't miss your opportunity to attend this ground-breaking meeting!  This is the first ever fully virtual meeting in medical library history!  You don't want to miss it.  Register in a group for that "community feeling", or register as an individual and attend in your robe and bunny slippers.  [While that second idea is tempting, I have opted for the community feel - I may still take my shoes off, though!].  In order for everyone to receive their login instructions and to be sure that we will all be able to log into the software, the final deadline for registration is 11:59pm CDT on September 30.  Before the meeting, be sure to check out our vendor slide show at otherwise known as the virtual exhibitor area!  I hope to "see" you all there!

  • 08 Sep 2015 9:25 AM | Deleted user

    The MCMLA 2015 Virtual Meeting Exhibitor Slide Show is now available at  Visit the page to see slides for the seven vendors participating in our first online meeting!  The full list of participating vendors is also available on the page.  Thanks to these exhibitors for their support of MCMLA 2015!

  • 04 Sep 2015 4:27 PM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Tom Gensichen, Bylaws Committee chair.)

    To Voting Members of MCMLA:

    There is one minor changes to the MCMLA Bylaws.  Attached is a PDF file containing the 2012 version of the MCMLA Bylaws with the proposed change for you to review prior to the Virtual Annual Meeting in October 8 & 9.  Deletions are marked with a strike through and changes/additions are in red text.  This document will also be posted on the MCMLA website.

    Below is a summary of the change to be incorporated:

    1) The MCMLA Executive Committee voted to combine the Government Relations and the Library Advocacy Standing Committees in to one committee called Advocacy.

        a. Amend Article IX. Section 3.  as follows: The standing committees are Advocacy, Bylaws, Education, Government Relations, Honors and Awards, Library Advocacy, Membership, Nominating, Publications, and Research.

    These changes have been approved by the MCMLA Bylaws Committee, the MCMLA Executive Committee and the MLA Bylaws Committee.  A final vote on the Bylaws will take place during the Business Meeting on Friday, October 9, 2015.

    As required by the existing Bylaws, this email shall constitute the 30 day notice of the amendments to the Bylaws.

    Thank you for your attention to this important matter.  I look forward to “virtually” seeing you all in cyberspace.


    Tom Gensichen

    Chair, MCMLA Bylaws Committee

    MCMLA Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect


    Tom Gensichen, Assoc. Professor

    Head of Systems

    McGoogan Library of Medicine

    Univ. of Nebraska Medical Center

    986705 Nebraska Medical Center

    Omaha, NE  68198-6705

    (402) 559-8119

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