Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 31 Jan 2013 9:20 AM | Deleted user

    Do you write annual reports for your library?  How do you make your institution's leaders aware of what you accomplish each year?  I am going to be brave and share with you my last two annual reports, written with the help of my staff, Keri Swaggart, Benjy Stein, and Andi Wall.  The report for 2012 is in progress now . . . .

    Children's Mercy Hospital Library Services Annual Report 2010

    Children's Mercy Hospital Library Services Annual Report 2011

    Brenda Pfannenstiel

  • 07 Jan 2013 4:25 PM | Deleted user

    Before the holidays the Ad Hoc Committee on Championing for Librarians sent out this motion for your consideration. Now is the time for comments and discussion before voting. Your opinions count.

    Each of the motions has been added to the MCMLA web forum so that you can comment on them separately.

    1. Click on the Reply button.
    2. Add your comments and questions.
    3. Decipher the code and type it in the code box.
    4. Click the Post button and your comment will be posted.
    5. To comment on another motion, just use the Back to Topics link at the top of the page.

    More info to come soon on when the ballots will be sent out and when the voting will end.

  • 02 Jan 2013 10:14 AM | Deleted user

    The MCMLA Executive Committee is now accepting applications for the position of Executive Secretary.  Travel/attendance at MCMLA is reimbursed.  This is an appointed position.  A description of the responsibilities and duties of this position can be found in the Policy and Procedure Manual (see the MCMLA web site Committees page). 

    After years of excellent service, Peggy Mullaly-Quijas has resigned as Executive Secretary for MCMLA.  This is your opportunity to contribute to your professional association, to attend the annual meeting (in Utah this year, in Denver next year) and to add a nice line to your c.v.  Peggy has offered to be available to assist the new Executive Secretary transition into the job.

    Please send your applications to me, preferably by Jan. 10.

    Brenda Pfannenstiel, MCMLA Chair

  • 28 Dec 2012 5:15 PM | Deleted user

    At the MCMLA Annual Business Meeting in Kansas City, a motion passed requiring the Executive Committee or its appointed group to report back to the chapter membership by Dec.31,2012 on actions taken to address the concerns voiced in Dick Kammer’s motion and from the floor.  See the report on the President's Corner page.

    Brenda Pfannenstiel, AHIP

    Chair, MCMLA

  • 13 Dec 2012 3:15 PM | Peggy Mullaly-Quijas

    (If you have forgotten your password, you can use the Forgot password link in the blue box at the bottom of the left column.)

    To renew:

    • Log in, click on the View profile link in the blue box at the bottom of the left column.
    • Under Membership details, you will see a button that says Renew until 01 Jan 2014.
    • The next screen will give you the opportunity to update your contact information.
    • This screen is also where you can volunteer to serve on a committee or as an officer by checking the appropriate box(es).
    • Once you have updated all of your information, click the Update and next button.
    • Once you click the Confirm and proceed with payment button, you will be taken to the Invoices and payments page.

      Here you have two options:

      • To pay by cash or check, click on the Invoice # to see the whole invoice.

        Print and mail to:
        Peggy Mullaly-Quijas
        Executive Secretary, MCMLA
        P.O. Box 2218
        Lee's Summit, MO 64063-2218

        Once Peggy receives the check, she will enter it into the system and your renewal will be complete.

      • To pay online, click the Pay online button in the yellow box. This will take you to our PayPal page where you can either log in (if you have an existing PayPal account) or use a debit or credit card as a guest. Once you've completed the PayPal process, you'll be taken back to the MCMLA web site where your invoice should now show as paid.
  • 07 Dec 2012 2:26 PM | Deleted user

    Thanks to Melissa DeSantis for sharing this news--

    OU-Tulsa, in partnership with HeLEO and with funding from the NN/LM SCR, plans to host a full-day workshop on April 18th to be taught by Michelle Kraft of the Cleveland Clinic and The workshop will focus on demonstrating the value of the hospital/health systems library in today’s marketplace. The workshop will include case study methods as well as traditional lecture. Michelle is going to apply for MLA CE credits for the workshop (est. 6 to 8 contact hours) and the workshop will be free to attend for librarians and students. Lunch will be provided.

    An official announcement and RSVP will go out some time in February. Please mark April 18 on your calendar if you plan to attend. Please let me know if you have any questions about this workshop!


    Stewart Brower

    Director, Schusterman Library

    University of Oklahoma-Tulsa

    (918) 660-3222


  • 07 Dec 2012 12:47 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    We have a roundup of MCMLA2012 and much much more!
  • 07 Dec 2012 10:22 AM | Deleted user

    Value of Library and Information Services in Patient Care Study web site


    The article has now been released as a JMLA epub ahead of print! 

  • 04 Dec 2012 3:22 PM | Deleted user

    Make your voice heard!  Help set the agenda for medical librarian advocacy!

    You can take the survey at

    Survey closes Dec. 31, but DO NOT WAIT to participate!

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