Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 16 Nov 2012 4:36 PM | Holly Henderson (Administrator)

    Let us know what kind of continuing education you'd like to see in Salt Lake City at MCMLA 2013. Not attending? We'd still like your input.

    Here's the link to the survey, it should take less than 10 minutes to complete,

    Please respond before November 30 and thank you!

  • 31 Aug 2012 1:18 PM | Deleted user

    To Voting Members of MCMLA:

    There are two minor changes to the MCMLA Bylaws. This PDF file contains the 2010 version of the MCMLA Bylaws with the proposed changes for you to review prior to the Annual Meeting in Kansas City,  October 3 - 5.  Deletions are marked with a strike through and changes/additions are in red text.

    Below is a summary of the changes incorporated:

    Item 1 brings us in to closer sync with the MLA Bylaws and Item 2 brings us in line with Robert's Rules of Order regarding breaking a tie vote during elections.

    1) Replace the current membership class of Distinguished Senior Member with Emeritus Member.

        a.  Delete Article III., Section 2, Item c. Distinguished Senior Members: members presently retired and/or recognized by the Executive Committee, as defined in Article VIII, Section 2, for their outstanding contributions to the Chapter.

        b.  Add new Article III, Section 2, Item c.  Emeritus Members: members shall have been a Regular Member for a minimum of 3 years, shall have requested Emeritus membership,  and shall have retired from active professional work.

    2) Bring resolution of a tie vote in to compliance with Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised.

        a. Delete Article VI., Section 2, Item d.  refer a tie vote to the Executive Committee which will break the tie.  The Chair shall abstain from voting on tied elections;

        b.  Add new Article VI., Section 2, Item d.  in the event of a tie vote, the election for the office in question will be re-balloted until one candidate receives a majority;

    NOTE:  According to Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, in most elections, the threshold is a majority of the votes cast.  If you have only two candidates and the vote is a tie, you must repeat the balloting until one candidate receives a majority.  Regarding our current Bylaw of referring the tie vote to the Executive Committee, with the Chair abstaining, to break the tie, Robert's says that your presiding officer or officers should never cast a tie-breaker in a ballot vote since they have already voted once and letting only them vote twice in the same election is unfair.  The position for which the tie vote occurred, must be re-balloted and all voting members must vote again until one candidate received a majority.

    These changes have been approved by the MCMLA Bylaws Committee, the MCMLA Executive Committee and the MLA Bylaws Committee.  A final vote on the Bylaws will take place during the Business Meeting on Friday, October 5, 2012.

    As required by the existing Bylaws, this email shall constitute the 30 days notice of the amendments to the Bylaws.

    Thank you for your attention to this important matter.  I look forward to seeing you all in Kansas City.


    Tom Gensichen

    Chair, MCMLA Bylaws Committee

  • 17 Aug 2012 4:31 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    We have the complete MCMLA2012 Conference Schedule, another installment of Darell's Doozies, and profiles on five new members. Check it out!
  • 17 Feb 2012 5:24 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    We have all sorts of goodies this month, including an action item from the Government Relations Committee, a special section on new members, and an article about librarians and stress. Don't miss it!
  • 30 Nov 2011 5:27 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    We have all sorts of goodies this month, including a continuation of our Social Networking series, more Darell's Doozies, and words from both our incoming and outgoing chairs. Don't miss it!
  • 03 Nov 2011 1:18 PM | Deleted user

    The 2012 Annual Meeting Planning Committee would like to know what you want to see offered for continuing education in Kansas City. If you didn't fill out a survey at our booth in St. Louis, please take a minute to take this online survey.

    Thanks! We value your input.

  • 25 Oct 2011 10:41 AM | Deleted user
    The Leadership Orientation will be today at 1pm Central/Noon Mountain. This presentation is geared toward incoming leaders and committee chairs but all are welcome to attend.

    Download the PowerPoint slides before the meeting.

    View the recording of the meeting
  • 10 Aug 2011 12:55 PM | Deleted user
    One of the great things about the new MCMLA web site is that you can manage your contact information in the Member Directory anytime.

    Here's a short instructional video about how to update your profile.

  • 27 Jul 2011 10:12 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    We have lots of great stuff this month, including articles on social networking, library advocacy, and health literacy. There's also a call for nominations for scholarships and awards, and registration for MCMLA2011 is open. All this and so much more...check it out!

  • 04 May 2011 11:55 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    This month we have great articles from our committees, including an interview with Donghua Tao and a request from your Research and Advocacy Committees to participate in a Return on Investment (ROI) survey. Guy Mason and Karen Wells continue their series on Social Networking, and Angela Arner explores LibGuides and nursing resources. Sarah Beck Kirby also highlights the accomplishments of our volunteer members. There's all this and much more, so check it out!

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