Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 14 Apr 2017 9:37 AM | Committee Chairs

    Create a display? Have a great elevator speech?  Have an email tag line?  Promotion?  Share your ideas and success!  We are calling these blog posts LibInterst (think Pinterest combined with Librarian Design Share)

    To start I am sharing a promotion I did for Doctors' Day to promote our offsite access product.

    Let us know your ideas and success!

    Angela Spencer - MCMLA Advocacy Chair


  • 29 Mar 2017 1:48 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    Call for Paper and Poster Abstracts 

    2017 MCMLA Annual Meeting

    The Program Committee invites paper and poster abstract submissions on any health sciences librarianship topic for the 2017 Midcontinental Chapter Meeting in Columbia, Missouri. The meeting will take place from October 9-11 at the Tiger Hotel, with paper and posters sessions being held on Tuesday, October 10th. 

    Deadline for abstract submission is June 9, 2017.

    Notifications of acceptance will be made by July 19, 2017.

    Please contact Christi Piper, or 719-255-3027 with questions.


    • Abstracts should be kept under 250 words. Structured abstracts are preferred. Find more information about structured abstracts at []
    • Submissions should be sent to Christi Piper via this online form []

  • 25 Jan 2017 5:17 PM | Committee Chairs

    From MEDLIB-L:

    Date:    Mon, 23 Jan 2017 17:10:40 +0000

    From:    "Dina J. McKelvy" <MCKELD1@MMC.ORG>

    Subject: Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables!

    Time to register for

    Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables

    At MLA 2017 Seattle!

    So many great topics to choose from!  

    1.      Makerspaces

    2.      Hospital Libraries

    3.      Library Redesign

    4.      Diversity & Inclusion in Libraries   

    AND MANY MORE! Find details here:

    Want to be a Facilitator and earn AHIP points? Visit the forms here<> to learn more and contact Mina Davenport FMI or to sign up!<> (Deadline for facilitator sign up is May 1.  First to contact gets dibs on the topic of her/his choice)

    All this, and lunch with your colleagues too!  A plated lunch is offered -  Smoked Washington Chicken entrée with sides and dessert. Leave it to Seattle folks to smoke a chicken! Options available for dietary restrictions.

    PRICE: $40  

    Sign up here when you register for the conference!  

    -Dina McKelvy. AHIP

    Chapter Council Alternate -NAHSL  

    Dina McKelvy, MLS, AHIP | Manager, Library & Knowledge Services | Maine Medical Center

    22 Bramhall Street | Portland,  Maine 04102 | (207) 662-4080 |<>  


     MMC Library: Connecting you with knowledge to learn, share & create  

    Remember that that $40 can be out of MCMLA's pocket instead of yours if you register for a Roundtable and at, you're one of the two lucky winners, and you write about what you learned for the MCMLA Express.

    Jerry Carlson

    MCMLA Honors & Awards Chair

  • 25 Jan 2017 12:15 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    The deadline for submissions for the February issue of the Express is Friday, February 10. YOU are what makes the Express great, so please consider sending something in to share with your MCMLA colleagues. Please send in a blurb about your work! And don't forget to let me know about any papers, posters, presentations, awards, or any other recognition you or a fellow member have received, so we can recognize your efforts. You can email me at sprochia at



  • 15 Dec 2016 11:37 AM | Deleted user

    The MCMLA Endowment Piggy reminds you that it's not too late to donate to the MCMLA Endowment and receive a 2016 tax deduction.  Donations can be mailed to:


    PO Box 221465

    St. Louis, MO 63122

    Be sure to include "MCMLA Endowment" in the check memo line!


  • 22 Nov 2016 5:04 PM | Committee Chairs

    6 months – but that’s not too soon to Dream to attend MLA’17, Dream Dare Do – and in particular the Chapter Council Roundtable Lunch.  What’s more, you can Dare MCMLA to pay for it.  All you need to Do is apply for the MCMLA 2017 Chapter Council Roundtable Lunch Award!

    The award winner(s) will reimbursed for the full cost of the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables Luncheon which is held at the annual MLA meeting. The luncheon is an opportunity to network, share experiences and meet with colleagues at MLA.

    Are you interested?

    Selected applicants must:

    1. Be a current member of MCMLA

    2. Register for the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables Luncheon

    3. Write a summary of the experience for the MCMLA Express after MLA

    Apply now!

    The application deadline is March 1, 2017. Two names will be drawn at random and the winners notified by March 18, 2017.

    If you have questions please email Jerry Carlson, Chair of the MCMLA Honors and Awards Committee. 


  • 10 Nov 2016 2:56 PM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Michel Atlas, University of Louisville.)

    The MLA Books Panel is seeking author(s)/editor(s) for the following proposed monograph:
    Information literacy for the health sciences
    This book will introduce common instructional standards and approaches seen in higher education and discuss how they can be applied in a variety of health sciences environments. How are health sciences librarians interacting with the ACRL standards and the newly released ACRL framework? Are there health science-specific tools that are commonly used along with or in place of these higher education standards? Which instruction methods are being used in the health sciences environment? Which are the most successful with the specific audiences within the health sciences environment? How are health science instructional efforts being assessed? What is the essential content to produce information literate health care professionals? What topics and/or skills are being taught?
    The following instructional audiences will be considered:
    • Health sciences undergraduate students: Associate and bachelor programs
    • Health sciences graduate students: Masters and doctoral-level
    • Post-graduate students: Residents and fellows
    • Faculty, clinicians and staff
    o Medicine
    o Nursing
    o Dentistry
    o Public health
    o Pharmacy
    o Veterinary medicine
    o Allied health professions
    The following instructional formats will be considered:
    • Classroom lectures
    • Small group instruction
    • Online instruction – embedded in LMS course, etc
    • Individual interactions with patrons and students
    • Clinically-embedded opportunities
    • Continuing education courses for working professionals
    The following standards and techniques will be introduced:
    • ACRL standards and framework
    • Interprofessional education initiatives
    • Evidence-based practice; levels of evidence
    • Problem-based learning
    Content will be a blend of introduction to theory and real-world examples from librarians engaged in this instructional realm.
    This book will be useful for all libraries that serve health sciences academic programs: community colleges, universities; allied health, health professions, medical and osteopathic schools. It would be a suitable textbook for LIS classes discussing instructional approaches and special populations.
    If you are interested in authoring or editing this project, or would like to contribute as a chapter author, please email Michel Atlas at

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