Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 20 Oct 2016 7:51 AM | Deleted user

    (The following information was provided by K.T.L. Vaughan, Director of Research & Education Services and Acting Associate Dean for Libraries & Educational Technologies, James Madison University.)

    Call for Nominations: Thomson Reuters/Frank Bradway Rogers Information Advancement Award

    The Thomson Reuters/Frank Bradway Rogers Information Advancement Award is sponsored by Thomson Reuters. Originally sponsored by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), the award was presented for the first time in 1983 to Frank Bradway Rogers, MD, for whom it was subsequently renamed. The award is presented annually by the Medical Library Association (MLA) in recognition of outstanding contributions in the use of technology to deliver health sciences information, in the science of information, or in facilitating the delivery of health sciences information. The recipient receives a certificate at the association’s annual meeting and a cash award of $500 after the annual meeting.

    It is required that an individual nominee be a member of MLA, or if a small group is nominated for a combined effort, that at least one member of the group must be a member of MLA.  

    More information and the nomination form can be found at  Nominations are due by November 1 2016.

    Questions may be directed to Jury Chair,  Linda Van Keuren

  • 08 Sep 2016 12:20 PM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Kristen DeSanto, Publicity Committee member for the Joint Chapter Meeting.)

    Have you registered for Merge & Converge: Sixteen in ’16, the joint meeting of MCMLA and the Midwest Chapter? The early bird registration deadline is next Monday September 12. The full meeting registration price for members is currently $275, but will go up to $325 after September 12. Don’t miss out on the discounted price – registration information can be found on the meeting website:

  • 26 Aug 2016 12:50 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    Check it out!

    And, since today is the deadline, if you want to apply for the MCMLA Professional Travel Scholarship (up to $500 to go to Des Moines!), make sure you go there today to apply. Details in the Express or here.

  • 17 Aug 2016 8:52 AM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Jan Rice, member of the MLA Awards Committee.)

    Marcia C. Noyes Award

    We are now accepting nominations for MLA's highest professional award!  If someone you know has made outstanding and lasting contributions throughout their career to the field of medical librarianship, please take time to nominate them for the Noyes Award.  The deadline for nominations is November 1, 2016.  

    See below for details:

    Online nomination form:

    Marcia C. Noyes Award

    The Marcia C. Noyes Award, the association’s highest professional distinction, was established in 1947 in memory of Marcia C. Noyes (1869–1946), one of eight MLA charter members, who made numerous contributions to the advancement of the profession. The award recognizes a career that has resulted in lasting, outstanding contributions to medical librarianship. The award considers sustained and notable achievement in at least one area of activity cited in the mission of the Medical Library Association (MLA) and distinguished service and leadership in health sciences librarianship. The awardee receives an engraved sterling silver bowl at the MLA annual meeting.


    • Nominees must be members of MLA.
    • Nominees must have demonstrated sustained and notable achievement in at least one area of activity cited in MLA's objectives:
      • fostering the art and science of health sciences library service;
      • supporting health sciences research, education, and patient care; or
      • promoting cooperation and communication among members.
    • Nominees must have demonstrated distinguished service and leadership in health sciences librarianship in at least the areas of mentoring, publishing, and service in professional associations.
    • A nominee’s contributions are also assessed for utility (serving the needs of the profession, with usefullness and relevance in practice); durability of influence on the field of health sciences librarianship; comprehensiveness of achievements as a whole; and propriety (i.e., in keeping with the ethical code of the profession and association).


    • Nomination form, including all supporting documentation, must be completed no later than November 1.
    • Nomination must contain at least the following elements:
      • a precise description of the nominee’s achievements;
      • a current curriculum vitae;
      • any further information that may assist the Awards Committee in the evaluation of the nomination and the selection of the recipient.
    • Up to three letters of support may be included with the nomination.
    • Nomination should include descriptions of the nominee’s:
      • Sustained and notable achievement in at least one area of activity cited in the objectives of MLA:
        • fostering the art and science of health sciences library service;
        • supporting health sciences research, education, and patient care; or
        • promoting cooperation and communication among members.
      • Distinguished service and leadership in health sciences librarianship in at least the areas of mentoring, publishing, and service in professional associations.

    The recipient will be notified in March before the annual meeting at which the presentation will be made. The recipient assumes all costs of attending the meeting and the ceremony at which the presentation is made. If there are no appropriate candidates, the association may elect not to make the award in a given year.

    Ready to Submit a Nomination?

    Choose the 2017 Marcia C. Noyes Award online nomination form.  The completed online form and all uploaded supporting documents must be received by November 1.  Incomplete and late submissions will not be considered. 

  • 15 Aug 2016 11:27 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    August Express deadline is today, Monday, August 15th. Please get your articles, etc. in asap to me at



  • 15 Aug 2016 11:26 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    The 2017 MCMLA Annual Conference will be held in beautiful Columbia, Missouri on October 9-11, 2017. We know it's early, but we are from the Show-Me state, and wanted to make sure everyone has it on their calendars. Come for the meeting, stay for the food, trails and parks, breweries, and all the Tiger paraphernalia you could ever desire.

    See you there!

    MCMLA 2017 Program Committee 

  • 03 Aug 2016 4:47 PM | Committee Chairs

    Thanks to all who were willing to run for elected office and who voted in our special election. The MCMLA membership voted for the following:

    1. Approved Gwen Wilson to become the current Vice-Chair/Chair Elect.
    2. Approved Kim Harp to become the incoming Recording Secretary.
    3. Elected John Bramble as the Vice-Chair/Chair Elect for 2016-2017.

    Your Nominating Committee (Claire, Erica, Jackie)
  • 14 Jul 2016 6:31 PM | Committee Chairs

    From your MCMLA Nominating Committee:

    Reminder that voting in the Special Election will open on July 18, 2016 and will close on August 1, 2016.

    Vote at:

  • 01 Jul 2016 10:12 AM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Rebecca Carlson McCall.)

    Nominate a fellow member or yourself for one of the three prestigious Midcontinental Chapter awards. These awards are a great way to recognize the outstanding service of a coworker, professional colleague, or yourself. (Yes, self nominations are okay.) 

    Awards will be announced at the 2016 MCMLA/Midwest Joint Chapter Meeting in Des Moines, October 21-25.

    Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship

    This award was established in 1991 in honor of Bernice M. Hetzner, Library Director and Professor Emeritus at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, who retired in 1973. This $350 award recognizes an academic health sciences librarian who has achieved a high level of professional accomplishment. For more information, visit the award webpage.

    Nominees are evaluated on:

    ·         Academic health science library leadership/innovation

    ·         Local group participation/leadership

    ·         Chapter participation/leadership

    ·         National participation/leadership 


    Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship

    The Barbara McDowell Award was established in 1984 in memory of Barbara McDowell, Chief of Library Services at the Sioux Falls, South Dakota Veterans Administration, who died in 1983. This $350 award honors a chapter member who has made an outstanding contribution to hospital librarianship. For more information, visit the award webpage.

    Nominees are evaluated on:

    ·         Hospital library leadership/innovation

    ·         Local group participation/leadership

    ·         Chapter participation/leadership

    ·         National participation/leadership


    Outstanding Achievement Award

    Established in 1983, this award honors a member for significant contributions to health sciences/hospital libraries, to the profession and to the goals and objectives of the chapter. Award winners receive a plaque and $350 monetary gift at the MCMLA conference. For more information and to see the nomination criteria, visit the award webpage

    Nominees are evaluated on:

    ·         Leadership

    ·         Training

    ·         Presentations and publications

    ·         Library development

    ·         Networking

    ·         Originality and creativity

    ·         Organizational activities


    Nominations for all awards are due by August 26. The nomination form is available on the MCMLA website. You can contact the Honors and Awards Committee Chair, Rebecca Carlson McCall, with any questions via the contact information below.


    Rebecca Carlson McCall, MLS, AHIP

    Director, Mercy College of Nursing & Health Sciences Library

    Southwest Baptist University

    4431 S. Fremont Ave. 

    Springfield, MO 65804


  • 20 Jun 2016 12:24 PM | Committee Chairs

    MCMLA members,

    MCMLA is in a bit of a predicament. Due to personal reasons Tom Gensichen, Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, has resigned his position. Peggy Cruse, incoming Recording Secretary, moved to Washington state, out of our chapter.

    Fortunately, Gwen Wilson, incoming Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect has agreed to move up her term of office and become the current Vice-Chair/Chair-elect.

    Kim Harp who ran against Peggy Cruse, has agreed to become the incoming Recording Secretary for 2016-2017.

    However, we need a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for 2016-2017.

    The Executive Committee has charged the Nominating Committee to hold a special election:

    1. To approve Gwen Wilson as Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for 2015-2016.

    2. To approve Kim Harp as Recording Secretary for 2016-2017

    3. To elect a Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect for 2016-2017.

    Special thanks to all these candidates for stepping up during MCMLA's time of need.

    Now it's  your turn to step up. Please make sure hope to vote in this special election to fill our vacant officer positions and keep the MCMLA running smoothly.  

    Watch for more detailed announcements will be posted on the MCMLA listserv and MCMLA blog. 



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