(This message is sent on behalf of
Cindy Perkins, chair of the Honors and Awards Committee. If you have any questions, contact her by clicking on the above hyperlink.)
Once again MCMLA is sponsoring attendance for 2 chapter members to attend the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtable Lunch at the annual MLA meeting in May. Attending this lunch is a great way to network, share experiences and generally have fun.
There are 3 criteria that must be met:
1. -- MCMLA member
2. -- Must register for the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtable Lunch
3. -- Must write a short summary of your experience for the MCMLA express after the MLA meeting.
I am a bit slow, however, in putting out this announcement and we have a very short time frame. The applications are due by May 1st. After that date, there will be a random drawing and the 2 winners will be notified.
The application can be found at: http://mcmla.org/roundtablelunch
Thanks and if you have questions, please call me.