Welcome to the MCMLA blog!
  • 10 Mar 2016 10:51 AM | Committee Chairs

    The votes have been tallied and the following individuals will have been elected to leadership positions:

    Gwen Wilson --Vice Chair/Chair Elect

    Peggy Cruse -- Recording Secretary

    Jim Bothmer --MCMLA Candidate for the MLA Nominating Committee

    The Nominating Committee appreciates all the candidates who volunteered to lead our chapter!

  • 26 Feb 2016 10:25 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    Check it out!


  • 12 Feb 2016 1:18 PM | Committee Chairs
    It’s time to cast your votes. We have a well-qualified pool of candidates running for office. We didn’t even have to twist any arms to get a “yes” out of them.

    If you are a current member, you can vote for the Vice Chair/Chair Elect, the Recording Secretary, and our candidate to be a representative on MLA Nominating Committee. Once you log in, you will find brief bios for each of the candidates and the ballot for voting at

    If you are a lapsed member, renew your membership so you are eligible to vote.

    Running for Office

    Vice Chair/Chair Elect:

    Darell Schmick

    Gwen Wilson

    Recording Secretary:

    Peggy Cruse

    Kim Harp

    Representative for MLA Nominating Committee:

    Jim Bothmer

    Jean Shipman


    The polls will close on Monday February 29, 2016.


    If you have questions about logging in, please contact Tracey Hughes, web site administrator, at

    If you have questions on the election, please contact me or one of the committee members:

    Jackie Hittner

    Erica Lake

    Your Nominating Committee is looking for a large run on the polls—Get your vote in early!

  • 03 Feb 2016 3:11 PM | Deleted user

    (The following information comes courtesy of Trish Duffel, 2016 Joint Chapter Meeting Publicity/Promotion Committee member and Webmaster.)

    Call For Paper and Poster Abstracts

    2016 Joint Midwest & Midcontinental Chapters/MLA Annual Meeting   

    The Program Committee invites paper and poster abstract submissions on any health sciences topic for the 2016 Joint Midwest & Midcontinental Chapter Meeting in Des Moines, Iowa. The meeting will take place from October 21-25 at the Des Moines Marriott, with paper sessions held on Sunday, October 23rd and the poster session on Monday, October 24th. Abstracts that have been accepted for CHLA/MLA Mosaic 2016 will also be considered.

    Deadline for abstract submission is April 17, 2016.

    Notifications of acceptance will be made by June 29,2016.

    Please contact Holly Henderson, or 417-820-3253, with questions.


  • 02 Feb 2016 3:39 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    The deadline for submissions for the February issue of the Express is being extended to Monday, February 8. YOU are what makes the Express great, so please consider sending something in to share with your MCMLA colleagues. Please send in a blurb about your work! And don't forget to let me know about any papers, posters, presentations, awards, or any other recognition you or a fellow member have received, so we can recognize your efforts. You can email me at sprochia at


    Amanda K. Sprochi
    Health Sciences Cataloger
    J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library
    The University of Missouri
    1 Hospital Drive
    Columbia, MO  65212
    (573) 882-0461

  • 02 Dec 2015 8:52 AM | Committee Chairs

    Are you planning to attend the MLA Mosaic Meeting in May 2016? Would you like to attend a roundtable lunch with other MLA members, sharing ideas, networking and gaining new knowledge for free?

    Apply for the MCMLA 2016 Chapter Council Roundtable Lunch Award!

    The award winner(s) will reimbursed for the full cost of the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables Luncheon which is held at the annual MLA meeting. The luncheon is an opportunity to network, share experiences and meet with colleagues at MLA.

    Are you interested?

    Selected applicants must:

    1. Be a current member of MCMLA

    2. Register for the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtables Luncheon

    3. Write a summary of the experience for the MCMLA Express after MLA

    Apply now!

    The application deadline is March 1, 2016. Two names will be drawn at random and the winners notified by March 18, 2018.

    If you have questions please email Rebecca Carlson, Chair of the MCMLA Honors and Awards Committee. 

  • 25 Nov 2015 5:46 PM | Amanda Sprochi

    Just in time for turkey day. Check it out!


  • 09 Oct 2015 8:02 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    Thanks to everyone who sent in photos! It was so good to see everyone's faces. Please consider sending in photos if you haven't. You can either email them to me directly at or you can upload them to Google Drive at 


  • 08 Oct 2015 11:04 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    Hey MCMLAers!

    For all those attending the virtual conference: usually as the Express editor I take pictures at the conference to include in our November “Meeting Roundup” issue. This year, because we are virtual, I can’t do that. So I have a favor to ask. If you are attending the conference in either a group or on your lonesome, please take photos of yourself or your colleagues “attending” the conference and send them to me. We’ll pick some good ones to include in our issue. Also, we would love to have articles summing up the presentations, or talking about the virtual conference itself and what you thought, so please consider writing something as well. Remember, you get AHIP points!

    Hashtags for the meeting are #MCMLA2015 and #VirtualMeeting.

    See you all later today, and thanks!


  • 29 Sep 2015 1:45 PM | Committee Chairs

    This is it! The last day before the deadline to register for our historic virtual conference!  Be sure you are there, wherever you are!  Go to and click on the link for the 2015 Virtual Meeting and register.  You really don't want to miss this!  Where else can you attend a conference in the comfort of your home, car, or office.  (OK - maybe not in your car, but you get my drift!)  This is a first!  The eyes of the medical library community are on us!  Be a part of history!  Be there!

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