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  • 29 May 2014 10:24 AM | Deleted user
    (Thanks to Rebecca Carlson for permission to post this information.)

    Second call for nominations for the 2014 MCMLA Awards! Nominate a fellow member or yourself for one of three prestigious Midcontinental Chapter awards. These awards are a great way to recognize the outstanding service of a coworker or professional colleague.

    Bernice M. Hetzner Award for Excellence in Academic Health Science Librarianship
    This award was established in 1991 in honor of Bernice M. Hetzner, Library Director and Professor Emeritus at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, who retired in 1973. This $500 award recognizes an academic health sciences librarian who has achieved a high level of professional accomplishment. Previous winners of this award include Lynne Fox in 2010, Nancy Woelfl in 2011, and Sue Sykes Berry in 2012. There was no winner in 2013 due to a lack of nominations. For more information and to see the nomination criteria, visit the award webpage.

    Barbara McDowell Award for Excellence in Hospital Librarianship
    The Barbara McDowell Award was established in 1984 in memory of Barbara McDowell, Chief of Library Services at the Sioux Falls, South Dakota Veterans Administration, who died in 1983. This $500 award honors a chapter member who has made an outstanding contribution to hospital librarianship. Previous award winners include Elizabeth C. Burns in 2009 and Karen Wells in 2011. There were no award winners in 2010, 2012, or 2013 due to a lack of nominations. For more information and to see the nomination criteria, visit the award webpage.

    Outstanding Achievement Award
    Established in 1983, this award honors a member for significant contributions to health sciences/hospital libraries, to the profession and to the goals and objectives of the chapter. Award winners receive a plaque and $500 monetary gift at the MCMLA conference. Previous award winners include Jim Bothmer in 2009, Sarah Beck Kirby in 2011, and Rebecca Graves in 2012. There were no award winners in 2010 or 2013 due to a lack of nominations. For more information and to see the nomination criteria, visit the award webpage.

    Nominations for all awards are due by August 1, 2014. The nomination form is available on the MCMLA website. You can contact the Honors and Awards Committee Chair, Cindy Perkins, at or (402) 398-6092 with any questions.

  • 09 May 2014 11:39 AM | Amanda Sprochi

    The Spring issue of the Express has been published--check it out!

  • 29 Apr 2014 12:41 PM | Deleted user
    (Thanks to Jean Shipman for permission to post this information.)

    Event: Five-chapter “Quint Essential” meeting, Denver, CO, October 12-16, 2014

    Date:     Tech panel: Thursday, Oct. 16

    Deadline: Proposals for tech panels, lightning / STAT panel presentations must be submitted no later than June 2, 2014.

    Theme: Convergence and Collaboration.

    Plenary speakers will present on health disparities, native health, and big data.

    Projects, services, innovations, lessons learned, and success stories which illustrate how we are celebrating opportunity during continual change are all possible lightning / STAT / tech panel presentations. 

    Proposals will be reviewed by the Papers and Posters Subcommittee of the Program Committee.  Subcommittee members will not be given author information. 

    Lightning / STAT! Talks

    Each presentation will have five minutes.  This format gives members the opportunity to contribute content to the conference in a less formal manner than a traditional contributed paper. For example, you could share your experiences with a project, a service, or a product.

    To propose a lightning/STAT talk, please submit:

    •      topic and a short 100 words or less description
    •      your name, address, email and work phone number on a separate page

    Trends in Technology

    A program slot for a panel about trends in technology has been allocated 90 minutes.  We would like to see demonstrations of new technology that panel presenters are just starting to use or that will become more widespread in the next few years.

    To propose being part of the panel, please submit:

    •      Tell us, in 500 words or less, about the technology topic you would like to speak on. Provide description of how this technology has impacted your work or will impact the work of medical librarians. Feel free to provide examples and links.
    •      We expect a live demonstration of a product or trend. You may not use PowerPoint. Will your topic fit into this show and tell type format?  Yes / No
    •      Will your topic fit into the allotted time? Each speaker has 15-20 minutes to present.  Yes / No
    •      Presenter name(s), title, address(es), email(s), and work phone number(s) on a separate page.

    Method of submission:  Follow instructions for proposing a lightning / STAT talk, or panel presentation and send your submission as a Word document in Arial, 12-point font  via email attachment to

    These must be received no later than June 2, 2014 to be considered. Acceptance / rejections will be confirmed in early July.
  • 29 Apr 2014 12:36 PM | Deleted user
    (Thanks to Jean Shipman for permission to post this information.)

    Event: Five-chapter “Quint Essential” meeting, Denver, CO, October 12-16, 2014

    Date:     Posters:  Tuesday, Oct. 14

    Deadline: Proposals for posters must be submitted no later than June 2, 2014.

    Theme: Convergence and Collaboration.

    Plenary speakers will present on health disparities, native health, and big data.

    Proposals will be reviewed by the Papers and Posters Subcommittee of the Program Committee.  Subcommittee members will not be given author information. 


    Print Posters

    Posters provide visual displays of information about new research findings or descriptions of creative new programs or practices, and are an optional format to contributed papers.  Posters will be available for two hours on Tuesday.

    To propose a poster, please submit:

    Method of submission:  Follow instructions for proposing a poster and send your submission as a Word document in Arial, 12-point font  via email attachment to

    These must be received no later than June 2, 2014 to be considered. Acceptance / rejections will be confirmed in early July.

  • 29 Apr 2014 12:31 PM | Deleted user
    (Thanks to Jean Shipman for permission to post this information.)

    Event: Five-chapter “Quint Essential” meeting, Denver, CO, October 12-16, 2014

    Date:     Contributed papers:  Tuesday & Wednesday, Oct. 14-15

    Deadline: Proposals for papers must be submitted no later than June 2, 2014.

    Theme: Convergence and Collaboration.

    Plenary speakers will present on health disparities, native health, and big data. 

    Contributed Papers

    Accepted contributed papers will each be allotted 15 minutes for the presentation and follow-up questions.

    To propose a paper presentation, please submit:

    •      author(s) name(s), address, email(s) and work phone number(s) on a separate page

    Proposals will be reviewed by the Papers and Posters Subcommittee of the Program Committee.  Subcommittee members will not be given author information. 

    Method of submission:  Send your submission as a Word document in Arial, 12-point font via email attachment to

    These must be received no later than June 2, 2014 to be considered. Acceptance / rejections will be confirmed in early July.

  • 22 Apr 2014 10:44 AM | Deleted user
    (This message is sent on behalf of Cindy Perkins, chair of the Honors and Awards Committee.  If you have any questions, contact her by clicking on the above hyperlink.)

    Once again MCMLA is sponsoring attendance for 2 chapter members to attend the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtable Lunch at the annual MLA meeting in May. Attending this lunch is a great way to network, share experiences and generally have fun.

    There are 3 criteria that must be met:

    1.     -- MCMLA member

    2.     -- Must register for the Chapter Council Sharing Roundtable Lunch

    3.     -- Must write a short summary of your experience for the MCMLA express after the MLA meeting.

    I am a bit slow, however, in putting out this announcement and we have a very short time frame. The applications are due by May 1st. After that date, there will be a random drawing and the 2 winners will be notified.

    The application can be found at:

    Thanks and if you have questions, please call me.

  • 15 Apr 2014 2:32 PM | Deleted user
    (This message is sent on behalf of Melissa De Santis, MCMLA Chapter Council Representative.)

    Help Choose Your Leaders -- Call for Nominations for MLA Offices  

    The MLA Nominating Committee is identifying potential candidates for the 2014/15 election. If you would like to recommend someone to be nominated for president or the board, or would like to be considered yourself, please send a current curriculum vitae and a paragraph outlining why the recommended person would be a good candidate to one of the members of the Nominating Committee (see below) by May 12th.

    The 2014 Nominating Committee members have reviewed the job descriptions for President Elect/President/Past President and Board members, and have discussed key qualifications needed for candidates, including a person who has broad experience within MLA, significant professional achievements,  a great capacity for leadership, a vision of the future of health sciences libraries, and an infectious enthusiasm for the excitement of librarianship at the present time.  We also discussed the importance of diversity in selecting the slate – key issues to consider are geographic region, library or information service type, and amount of experience.

    The process for selecting candidates and electing the MLA president-elect and members of the MLA Board is described on pages 2–3 of the MLA Bylaws (log in to MLANET to read this document). The slate will contain at least two candidates for president-elect (president during 2016/17) and at least four candidates for the two vacant board positions (2015–2018).  Job descriptions for president and board members are available on MLANET. The Nominating Committee will meet at MLA ’14 to finalize the list of potential candidates.

    MLA 2014/2015 Nominating Committee:

    Jane Blumenthal, Chair

    Amy Blevins        

    Jonathan Eldredge

    Susan Fowler      

    Mark E. Funk      

    Sally Gore           

    Heather N. Holmes

    T. Scott Plutchak

    James Shedlock  

    Laurie L. Thompson

  • 14 Apr 2014 8:56 AM | Holly Henderson (Administrator)
    A link to the recordings of the AHIP webinar held on April 1, 2014 and links to other files used during the session are now available on the Education Committee webpage.
  • 07 Apr 2014 11:30 AM | Deleted user
    The MCMLA Executive Board has made available a total of $1000 to fund first-time, successful AHIP applications, awarded in the order applications are received.    Awards will be made as viable applicants are identified; awards will be made until funds are exhausted.  Applications must be received no later than January 31, 2015.

    Click the link for full details on the AHIP First-Time Applicant Award.

    Contact Jan Rice, MCMLA Credentialing Liaison, if you have questions (; 402.481-3296).

  • 19 Mar 2014 1:12 PM | Deleted user

    The MCMLA Nominating Committee (Merinda McLure, Marty Magee, and Brenda Pfannenstiel) is very pleased to announce the election results. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all candidates for their willingness to stand and serve, and to Tracey Hughes, Web Editor & MCMLA-L Discussion List Owner, for her expert facilitation of the online ballot.

    MCMLA 2014 Election Results

    Vice Chair

    Lisa Traditi

    Recording Secretary

    Jenny Garcia

    Representative to the MLA Nominating Committee

    John Bramble

    Representative to MLA Chapter Council

    Heather Brown

    Alternate to MLA Chapter Council

    Kate Anderson

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